Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meeting "rats"

What in the world are these things?! I've never seen them before!! We were at the pet store when I spotted these things I thought were toys running around! I thought, "Toys that run by themselves??? What fun!"  Mom took me over to look at them and told me they weren't toys but in fact, some animal called a rat. I enjoyed looking at them and smelling their new unique smell.

Fun day in the Parks!

Yes!! PARKS! Meaning more than two!! Mom and Dad took us to a big grassy park to chase the ball, run, and roll, then later we went to the dog park to meet new friends and socialize with a bunch of dogs. We even met another Boston Named Austin!

This is Henry the French Bull Dog.  He was super fun to play with!!!
At the end of the day, we were exhausted!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another toy destroyed

Add the Kong Zinger to the growing "Not Boston Tough" list.  I, Katie "The Destructo Dog", sucessfully destroyed yet another "undestroyable" toy. I had my Zinger to pieces in just under 2 minutes by managing to sneak to my bed without being noticed and ripped the toy apart. Luckly, I never eat any of the toys I destroy. I just like see how big of a mess I can make for Mom and Dad to clean up.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Visiting Mom at work!!

Because we've been good girls for Dad, he took us on a quick trip to go see Mom at work! We missed mom and were so happy to see her that we jumped around while barking and whinning. She even had a few minutes to love on us and throw the ball!! We were very happy to go see her and can't wait for her to come home in a couple days.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My video

Here's a video mom helped me make for dad! I'm the star, but sister makes an appearance.

Getting started in the tech world

Hi everyone! We are Katie and Maggie and our mom and dad finally let us have our own blog! We are very excited about our new blog. We plan on blogging about our fun adventures, toys, food, and anything else we find entertaining. We are bound to make a few mistakes along the way (gosh, we sure hope this doesn't result in a lack of treats) so please bear with us until we know what we are doing. So grab a toy, stick around and play with us for awhile.