Saturday, April 30, 2011

what a week!

Wow! We've been busy pups this week, but we've been having a ton of fun! On Tuesday we got to spend the day at doggie daycare where Abby, Jack and the gang take extra good care of us. We got to play with old friends, smell new friends, and just have a ball!

Wednesday we got to go mountain bike riding with mom! Gosh we had so much fun in the spring like weather. We ran alongside mom for about 5 miles while she rode and bounded on dirt trails over rocks and streams. We couldn't have been happier. She made sure to include numerous breaks so that we didn't overheat. We chilled in the meadow and rolled in the grass. Then we got back at it hardcore again until we came across a stream. Mom let us wade, drink, and just cool off in the stream. 
We LOVE to run alongside mom while she rides!

Break time in the meadow.

Cooling off.


Mom, can't we go again? I'm not ready to go home.

Then on Thursday we went geocaching all day in Chico and got to walk a bunch and swim in the creek! And because we were good girls, we even got to go to our favorite dog park! So, as you can see... we had a fun packed, busy week! But we loved every second of it and are so happy Spring is here because that means there are going to be more weeks like this!
Us and the geocache that was disguised as a rat.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We're getting bigger!

Every year Mom likes to take a picture of us in Februray to see how much we have grown. We put them up for all of you to see! As you can see, my little sister Katie sure has grown a lot and now is bigger than I am.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy saving lives

We're sorry we haven't been able to post much lately. We've been going to work with mom a lot lately and let's just say; It's a dog eat dog world out there! We have had so much fun going to work with mom, but we understand why she comes home so tried!  We're hoping to have some new posts up soon! So stay tuned to a Maggie and Katie blog near you! We're outta here to go save a life!