Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big Hike for Little Dogs

On the trail
It might not sound like much, but when you are tiny like us (even though we THINK we are bigger dogs) a 5.5 mile hiking trip sure is a lot! We had a great time hiking with Mom today (check out her blog here) that we just had to share our excitement! We even got to take a little swim in a lake, and sit on a rock and listen to the wind blowing through the trees.

A quick dip to cool off
The trail was a little rough, and steep, but we sure had a blast! We saw some bugs, smelled some new things, and just enjoyed spending the time outside. The thing we didn't like? All those mosquitoes!! Mom used some of her DEET free repellent on our bodies, carefully avoiding our head, and the relief from the biting was more than welcomed!

Evelyn Lake, our destination.

Staying Hydrated!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Play time!

We love to get outside and play. Our mom and dad tried to make sure that happens every day. But occasionally, we don't get to play as long as we would like too, but today! Oh! Today!!  We got to play for a long time! We chased balls, chased each other, and even played in our little pool. It was such a great time! After a long time playing, we got our chewies for a bit, and then finished up with a nice long nap. This is the life!

All smiles after a couple laps around the yard
Happy, wet dog

We love our pool!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A day of run and fun!

We got out the other day and enjoyed a lovely June day. We started our day with a 2.5 mile walk, then Mom took us for a 3 mile run while she rode her bike AND we got to go swimming in the lake! We sure got our workout in, but it was FUNtastic! Our tongues flapping in the wind, the breeze through our coats, it was a perfect start to our busy, adventure filled summer.

Break time after a 3 mile run
We ended the day with a dip in the lake and sunbathing on the shore. We couldn't have asked for a more wonderful day. (we could have, but mom limits our treats...)
A great end to a wonderful day