Wednesday, September 25, 2013

October BarkBox

WHAT?! We're actually posting this on time?! We should get a treat for this!

October BarkBox

So, this BarkBox wasn't a Grand Slam like our past ones, but hey, you can't catch every ball that's thrown your way. We still were thrilled by it's usual yummy contents, but found it a little lacking in pizazz. Here's what we think so far.

This is an interesting concept toy. It's like a stuff-less plush toy, with a rope down the middle of it, and a squeaker in the tail. As the ever present toy aficionado, I can tell you this will stimulate all of your pups senses the same way it did mine. Oh boy, I have had so much fun with this toy. And it seems fairly Boston proof with that rope down the middle of it! This was my favorite thing in the box this month. 

Oh, BOY!!! Organic biscuits?! That taste like PIZZA?! YES, PLEASE! These are super yummy and smell great! our mom really likes the fact that they are organic. And we sure love the taste! We even create puddles of drool when we see these come out.

We used to get the salmon strips in our breakfast every monring, but now our food is a higher quality, so we don't need it. But when we saw the duck treats, we were happy. Be warned: They stink. They have a 50/50 success rate in our pack.

Gosh, we hope we never have to use this liquid bandage spray. But Mom put it in our travel bag just in case the time ever comes.

September BarkBox!


We love getting our BarkBox in the mail. September's BarkBox held up to its usual awesome expectations!
What we get? What we get? What we get?


Here's our reviews of this BarkBox:

Quaker Pet Group: (the blue squeaky toy)
We enjoyed this toy, while it lasted. Which wasn't very long. We were able to completely de-stuff it within a week and tear it totally in half within 4 weeks. So while it says "Chew Guard Technology", it wasn't rip/de-stuff proof. It also had a ultrasonic squeaker that didn't bother mom and dad's ears. However, the squeaking device was very very small and could have easily become a choking hazard if your pups weren't supervised while destroying their new, fun toys.

These were a big hit with the pickier eater between the two of us (Maggie), however, I (Katie) seemed to develop an allergy to something in the treat which resulted in a swollen eye that ultimately got 2 scratches on my cornea from me scratching at it. Maggie LOVES these treats, they are nice and soft and full of flavor. These have become special treats just for her.

We haven't tried this yet, but it can be made either hot or cold. I think we might save it for a nice cold, rainy day.

These were another huge success in our pack! Even the picky one LOVED these. Just be sure that if you're small like us, you're mom and dad break them in half as they are a little on the big side and a potential chocking hazard.

Barkworthies (AGAIN!)
These bullystick flakes were PERFECT for topping our food. For me, Maggie, it gave me an extra special reason to actually eat that boring old kibble mom and dad insist on feeding me, while the quality of the food is superb, it is far below my princess requirement standards. But with a little of these sprinkled in, I was fast to gobble up my food!