Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ok everyone, we asked Mom exactly WHAT she feeds us so we could pass the information onto you. People often comment about how sleek our coats are and how healthy our skin looks. And the first place to start, and the most important, is nutrition. Mom often jokes that we get fed better than her and Dad. We'll attach links to the websites about the products so you can find our more information about the products. You can find most at your local dog supply store, if not is a great place to find some super deals.

I, Maggie, is the pickiest eater in the bunch. I'm such a princess that I will turn my nose up to food if I don't like it. I LOVE everything listed in this nutrient segment.  So, if you have a picky eater, you might try some of the tasty items below.


We both LOVE Nature Variety Prairie Beef.  We usually only get kibble, but on special days we also get a little bit of the canned food as well.  And for the gassy one in the bunch, my sister Katie, it doesn't create too much stinky smells after digestion. For more information about Nature's Variety Prairie (and more specifically the Beef Meat & Barley Medley) follow this link


Supplements, when chosen carefully, can lend a helping hand in dietary needs.  We get 3 specific dietary helping hands every day mixed into our morning kibble.

The most basic is our Missing Link Plus. It's filled with all natural items that help us get an extra nutritional boost everyday to keep us young, happy, and playful each and every day. Follow this link for more information:

Since we play so hard, we need extra joint and muscle protection, and Zukes Hip Action with Glucosamine and Chondroitin is exactly what we need to keep injuries away.  The chicken flavor, the purple package you see above, is our favorite! It tastes just like real chicken! Follow this link to Zukes for more information:

And for that shiny coat and healthy skin everyone keeps talking about, here's our biggest helper! Plato's Salmon Strips! They are all natural dehydrated salmon strips! They stink to high Heaven, but the Omegas 3&6 that they are loaded with are well worth the stink. They are by far the tastiest treat and therefore our absolute favorite! You can follow this link for more information:

So that's our daily dietary items. We hope that we've been able to answer your questions about the what's and how's of our healthy skin and shiny coats! Like we said, all the items listed about are great even for the pickiest eaters. Make sure you check with your vet before you change your doggie's diet.

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