Friday, July 8, 2011

All in a Dog Day at work!

As you all know, we've been coming to work with Mom for sometime now. Well we thought we'd share what its like to be an EMS dog!

#1 After you get to work you GOTTA check out your bags, equipment, and ambulance to make sure its all in good working order.

Let's see.. IV bags..Check. Intubation...Check..Bio can..Check. Monitor batteries...Check. Yup..all here!

#2 Next thing you do is scrub yesterday's bugs off. Who wants to see a dirty ambulance rolling down the street? Nobody! That's who! We scrubbed those bugs real good!
Scrub scrub here, scrub scrub there, and a couple of tra-la-las! That's how we wash our daily rig in the merry ol' land of work.
#3 Perhaps the most IMPORTANT part of any EMS job... the safety nap. You have to make sure you're well rested for whatever the system throws your way.
EMS: Earn Money Sleeping (aka) Safety Nap
#4 And last but not least, you have to make sure you get your exercise in. In this line of work you have to be fit as a fiddle (I never did understand that expression..why not fit as a Greyhound? I mean, have you seen the muscles on those things?!) We like to run laps around the station for our workout.
Fit as a Greyhound, not a fiddle.
So that's what its like for us as EMS dogs. We might not run calls with mom, but we hold down the station when she's gone. We earn our keep around these parts. At the end of the day we are dog tired and ready to hit our rack for lights out. We sure hope you enjoyed the little glimpse at a working dogs life!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this inside a dog's life. Hope there's more.

    Love, Marge
