Saturday, August 27, 2011

Katie gets hurt again..

Well, we haven't had much chance to post anything since my klutzy sister broker her dew claw...again.
Katie the klutz

This makes a total of 3 times (twice on the right, once on the left) so Mom and the vet decided it was best to go ahead and remove the whole toe. She broke the bone of the left side last year and it never grew back, so she only had the right one removed.

HAHA! Sister looks silly coming out of sedation.
The vet said the surgery went well, but she can't play fetch for 3 weeks (Lord help me she's going to drive me insane. Just give me a bone and let me rest in my kennel without being disturbed). And no swimming for a month (wonder if I can talk mom into taking just me...).

She had her stitches out the other day, but it looks infected. So Dad will take Sister back on monday. (I'll save you the stomach churn and NOT post the pic)

Also, everytime she isn't watched, she has to be put in that darn radar cone. "Cone of Shame" is what mom and dad call it because she looks so pitiful everytime they put her in it. Me? I don't mind it.. I thought it looked cute.
Katie's "Cone of Shame"
Once sister is all healed up, we'll be back in full action. Sit. Stay, and wait for us to come back.. and in the mean time....feel free to give us treats. :-) Love, Maggie

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