Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fort Funston

It's no mistake that this place has FUN in it's name! Fort Funston was an amazing place with a ton of dogs playing together and running around off leash. We've never seen anything like it! 35+ acres of happy, playful dogs!
Fort Funston (notice Gold Gate Bridge in the background)

We got a chance to stretch our legs and run, and with over a mile of beach, it was easy to do. The waves were gentle so we even got to play in the Pacific Ocean. And what's better than rolling around after being all wet? Um, nothing! well, maybe some treats, but you get our point!

Getting down and dirty at Funston!

There were well over 100 dogs, but we only got the chance to meet a couple dozen. The dogs who can get a bit testy worse either soft muzzles or caged muzzles so everyone still got to play and have fun. After all, isn't that what dog parks are about? Having safe fun? We were sad when we headed back up the hill and to the car, we would have happily stayed all day.
Headed back.

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