Saturday, September 22, 2012

From Country Pups to City Dogs!

That's right, we have traded our country dirt mile for the feel of urban concrete beneath our pads. We are now living in Chico, California were the dog park is only a couple miles away. And there are daily walks in Bidwell Park! The sights and smells of the city are something we still need to get used to. We're still not to sure about walking next to those big things on wheels that fly past us and make noise, they kinda scare us. BUT, on the up side, the majority of shops in Chico allow dogs to come into the store. Most of them have healthy treats and snacks for us when we go in (we often beg for a little more when mom or dad aren't looking) and bowl of fresh water for these hot days.

 We are even participating in a charity walk this upcoming weekend (click here to donate to us) to support the Butte Humane Society. Just a quick 2K to raise a little money and show some support for a great cause.

Stayed tuned for stories, tails, and adventures of two snow lovin', dirt rollin' little country dogs who face life in a big new town.

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