Monday, June 10, 2013

Little dog, long trail

So, this hike happened back in March, but I'm just now being able to sit down and tell you about it. Mom and I had a special Mommy/Dogter hike. It was just our human friend Emily, Mom, and I. We left sister at home because we didn't think she'd like to  hike the entire 10 miles. Yup, you read that right! This little 8 year old dog hiked every step of the 10 miles. It was 4-paw drive for me. I got to smell some new, interesting things, and got a little dirt in the pads of my feet. And some great exercise!
Hittin the trail!
We hiked up to a place called Feather Falls. It's a 640 ft waterfall outside of Oroville, California. Mom made sure I wore my special hiking harness to keep me safe on the occasional unsafe sections of the trail. She had me clipped into her weight bearing harness with a 200lb load bearing carabiner . I tell you this so you know that she would never put me in danger.

Me in my harness, looking adorable.
After we visited the overlook, which had amazing views, but was a little high for my taste, we hiked further up the trail and had lunch at the top of the waterfall (in the picture below). Mom brought some kibble for me, but I talked her into giving me some of her turkey and carrots.

Taking a break at the overlook.
Even though it was early Spring, I did end up with a couple ticks. But Mom spotted them right away and flicked them off.  I swear, she must have checked me every 15mins all day long. Because of my flea/tick medicine, none of them actually bit me. They were just walking around my fur checking out possible real estate to grab a snack. But we wouldn't have ANY of that business!

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