Tuesday, July 23, 2013

BarkBox 1 & 2

BarkBox? What in the world is a BarkBox one might ask? It's a wonderful box that comes once a month that is full of treats, toys, and surprises for us pups! It's available in 3 different sizes (Small, Just Right, and Big & Bold) and you can be billed once a month, every 3 months, or every 6 months. OH, THE OPTIONS!!!! Get your parents to click on this link: HERE and use the biggest, roundest puppy eyes you have to get them to order these boxes for you!  Everything in the boxes is either natural or organic AND made right here in the USA! We held out posting about our first BarkBox, in case its awesomeness was a fluke. It wasn't a fluke at all! It's really awesome! Here's what we got in our first and second BarkBox.

Opening our first BarkBox

What did we get?

Month 1:

  1. Heartland Premium.  This was a HUGE hit with both of us. The vertebras were small enough that we didn't crack our teeth. We were supervised at all times while we enjoyed this yummy, meaty vertebra. Also...this was an "outside" only treat because it was slightly messy (not to mention slobbery afterwards).
  2. Bowser Beer: Beer for pups?! It actually isn't really beer, it's a beef based drink with vitamins in it. And while I liked it, my picky sister Maggie didn't enjoy it.
  3. Puptato Chips: Well OF COURSE you need chips when you have beer! But these  were better than chips, they were dehydrated sweet potato slices. Again, it was a 50% approval rating by the same tasting crew (us!)
  4. Whole Life: What else goes great with beer and chips? If you answered "burgers!", you're right!!!!! These are bite size dehydrated sirloin burgers that are the perfect snack size. These were a HUGE success in our pack.
  5. Calm K9 Wafers: These came in handy during the forth of July. While they might be a little stinky, they are all natural and really seem to work...even for a super energetic Boston Terrier, such as myself.

We love our BarkBox!

Month 2:
  1. R2P Pet (Squaker Toy): It squeaks! It bounces in all directions! I LOVE IT! This is a really fun toy that I, Katie, really enjoyed. My sister isn't a big toy playing dog, so she doesn't care. There is one issue, the velvet on the exterior of the ball comes off kinda easily in my mouth. It's not a choking hazard or anything, just kinda messy. At least Mom and Dad can easily find where I went potty! That's gotta be a good thing, right? (pssst.. I really like my grey one..it matches all my other toys and my food dish. Pretty cool, huh?!)
  2. Barkworthies: Who doesn't love a good bully stick?! These guys are made from grass fed cows and without antibiotics! We both absolutely love these! Sister, Maggie, often doesn't like to give hers up when Mom and Dad take them away. Again, we are always supervised when we have these, make sure your parents supervise you too!
  3.  Max&Ruffys: Organic training treats that again have about a 50% approval rate in this pack. Can you guess which one of us didn't like it? Yup, Maggie didn't like it. She only likes meat and cheese. But I loved these organic banana and coconut treats! More for me! Yippeee!
  4. No Grainers: Yeah! Another treat that both of us love! Maggie likes the fact they are soft and made from chicken. She tends to like softer treats....and chicken...she really likes chicken. These do have a little bit of a stinky odor in the bag, but they tasty super yummy.
  5. Mr. Barksmith's: It was nice that while Mom and Dad enjoyed their ice cream on these hot Chico, California days that we got to enjoy frozen fruit smoothies. We really enjoyed our banana flavored one. We even shared the same smoothie nicely.  The other really neat thing about these is that your parents don't need to put them in the freezer until you are ready to eat them. So if you're going on a weekend trip to Grandma's, make sure they throw a couple smoothies in your duffle bag, ok?
  6. Safemade: The PERFECT flexible bowl for water or food. And the great thing?? It's made from human-safe SILICON, not plastic! So if you're like me and break out in puppy pimples after being around soft plastic, this is the bowl for you. It's also FREEZER and OVEN safe! YES!!!! You read that right. Your folks can even go onto the website for free oven and freezer treat ideas...make sure you supervised by your Mom and Dad's internet use...too much time on the computer or smartphone isn't healthy. If they've been on there too long, go get a slobbery ball and roll it under their feet.  Hey, everyone has to be healthy and play, right? We thought so.
Month 2 goodie haul.

So that's BarkBox! We'll be sure to let you know what we get every month and tell you what we think. We really REALLY encourage your parents to sign you up for BarkBox. Until next time, make sure your water bowl stays full, you have treats on the shelf, and most importantly, have fun every day! <3 Katie and Maggie

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