Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fall Bark Box

Our favorite package of the month arrived just last week!!! It was another off the charts hit! Here's this month's Bark Box Breakdown.


This zucchini is both healthy AND fun! Mom liked that it was made from recycled materials, and we like that it was tough enough for us to play tug-of-war...for a couple of days. This awesome toy is starting to get holes and lose it's stuffing. But we still find it very VERY fun to play with! Hey, Mom...does this count as eating our vegetables??

 This really did help with our stinky breath!! We had to be supervised when we chewed on these because when you get near the end, these treats tend to come of in choke-able chunks. It only took us about 10 mins to eat a whole treat, but we did have to work at it a little bit. And our breathe was fresh for a couple of days!

Bocce's Bakery
 These super yummy treats were a hit. Both of us love these. Mom takes them to work with us and gives them to us as treats for going potty. Mom loves the simple ingredients; Organic Barley Flour, Cheese, Nitrate-free Turkey Bacon, and Truffle Oil...that's it! 

Happy Howie's:
Another HUGE Happy Howie's home run! These turkey sausages had both of us wagging not just our tails, but also our butts! These are the favorite treat of the month in this pack! Maggie would take hers and gently chew off pieces, while I, Katie, inhaled them as quick as I could. 

Etta Says:
This deer treat was a tasty, and far less stinky, difference from the typical bully sticks that we get. It didn't last but 5 mins, but it sure was yummy!
Can we please test the products now?
That's it for this month's Bark Box! We hope you all have a wonderful time playing with your toys and a belly full of treats! Until next time our faithful Woofers!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Bark Box


We sure do love our Bark Box! It the most exciting day of the month! For those who don't know what bark Box is let us tell you. It's a special box that comes once a month filled with goodies and toys! Ours usually comes in the 3rd week of the month.

November's Bark Box

Here's a list of what we got this month:

Pet Qerks: What a fun little toy!!! We've been playing with it pretty rough for the last couple weeks and it seems to have held up for the best part between our tug-of-wars. And best of all, the squeaker still works!

Your Dog's Diner: Organic goodies in a packet to make puppy meatloaf?! You better believe it. We haven't had this yet.. Mom says she's going to make it for us for Thanksgiving. :-)

Baker's Best: These were some of the best, and yummiest treats we've had! They were a big BIG hit with both of us. We loved the goat flavor. The only drawback? They were stinky!

Fruitables: These were 8 indiviual small bags of treats of different flavors, including blueberry, bison, pumpkin, and apple. Since I have higher food standards than my garbage disposal of a sister Katie, I only liked the bison ones. I turned my nose up at all the other flavors. But her, she inhaled all of them. Such a weird dog she is.

Superior Farm: yum! yum! yum! Another huge hit from this bark box. Mom felt safe letting us eat these since they weren't greasy like pig ears, but she watched us carefully. She didn't have to watch long....we both finished our ears in less than 10 mins.

Katie's Big Day

Wow! What a fun, adventure filled day I got to have last week! Daddy came home from his night job and sister just wanted to sleep in bed next to him, So I got Mommy all to myself for the whole day!

We started off by going to the local farmer's market. I wasn't allowed in the food isles, so Mom left me with a friend who tends to a booth on the outside of the food isles. Mom doesn't know that I got a few extra treats and a ton of attention. 

At the Farmer's Market in my cute sweater!
After the Farmer's Market, we went to North Rim Adventure Sports  to check out some clip-less pedals and clip-less shoes. Mom said she was going to let Santa know which ones she wanted. Gosh, I sure hope he brings me some extra treats for being such a good girl!

Then we strolled all around downtown Chico, checking out the sights, ate lunch, and talked to tons of people. They came up to mom telling her how cute I was and how much of a good girl I am (did you hear that Santa? I've been good!!). 

And perhaps the best part of the day, was going to Dutch Brothers! Mom always lets me sit in her lap when we go to the drive up because they give me cookies. It was a super fun-filled day! I hope I get to do it again really soon. 
Where's my cookies?

A little whip cream, please.