Thursday, November 7, 2013

Katie's Big Day

Wow! What a fun, adventure filled day I got to have last week! Daddy came home from his night job and sister just wanted to sleep in bed next to him, So I got Mommy all to myself for the whole day!

We started off by going to the local farmer's market. I wasn't allowed in the food isles, so Mom left me with a friend who tends to a booth on the outside of the food isles. Mom doesn't know that I got a few extra treats and a ton of attention. 

At the Farmer's Market in my cute sweater!
After the Farmer's Market, we went to North Rim Adventure Sports  to check out some clip-less pedals and clip-less shoes. Mom said she was going to let Santa know which ones she wanted. Gosh, I sure hope he brings me some extra treats for being such a good girl!

Then we strolled all around downtown Chico, checking out the sights, ate lunch, and talked to tons of people. They came up to mom telling her how cute I was and how much of a good girl I am (did you hear that Santa? I've been good!!). 

And perhaps the best part of the day, was going to Dutch Brothers! Mom always lets me sit in her lap when we go to the drive up because they give me cookies. It was a super fun-filled day! I hope I get to do it again really soon. 
Where's my cookies?

A little whip cream, please.

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