Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Bark Box


We sure do love our Bark Box! It the most exciting day of the month! For those who don't know what bark Box is let us tell you. It's a special box that comes once a month filled with goodies and toys! Ours usually comes in the 3rd week of the month.

November's Bark Box

Here's a list of what we got this month:

Pet Qerks: What a fun little toy!!! We've been playing with it pretty rough for the last couple weeks and it seems to have held up for the best part between our tug-of-wars. And best of all, the squeaker still works!

Your Dog's Diner: Organic goodies in a packet to make puppy meatloaf?! You better believe it. We haven't had this yet.. Mom says she's going to make it for us for Thanksgiving. :-)

Baker's Best: These were some of the best, and yummiest treats we've had! They were a big BIG hit with both of us. We loved the goat flavor. The only drawback? They were stinky!

Fruitables: These were 8 indiviual small bags of treats of different flavors, including blueberry, bison, pumpkin, and apple. Since I have higher food standards than my garbage disposal of a sister Katie, I only liked the bison ones. I turned my nose up at all the other flavors. But her, she inhaled all of them. Such a weird dog she is.

Superior Farm: yum! yum! yum! Another huge hit from this bark box. Mom felt safe letting us eat these since they weren't greasy like pig ears, but she watched us carefully. She didn't have to watch long....we both finished our ears in less than 10 mins.

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